Sticking to My New Year's Intention
Hello Friends,
Did you set New Year's intentions?
Yeah, me too!
If you are anything like me, your 2023 intention is to love yourself more. Maybe even to love yourself into taking action on all the amazing things you want to accomplish this year. I am right here with you, and we will rock 2023!
Did you write your intention down? Check!
Did you tell others your vision? Yes, your dog (or cat) counts. Check!
Did you pick a totem to remind you of your promise? A totem can be anything.
A book: I keep my childhood 'Make & Do' craft book on my studio shelf to remind me why I like making and to keep having fun.
A photo: I keep a picture of my dream beachside jewelry studio/showroom taped to the wall above my workspace to remind me where I want to go.
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A piece of jewelry: Jewelry is an excellent reminder of one's intention. A wedding band reminds us of a commitment, or a necklace bought on vacation can remind us of a time we overcame fear and were our best selves.
I create modern eclectic jewelry for people who dress to tell a story. What story do you want to tell? One of self-love, wisdom, or confidence to speak your truth.